Senin, 16 Juni 2014

Prehistoric Bali

Bali prehistoric times is the beginning of the history of the people of Bali, which is characterized by the lives of the people at that time were not familiar with writing. Although the prehistory of this writing has not been known to write a history of his life, but a variety of evidence about life in the society at that time can also be explained again the situation is taking place in a prehistoric-day period that is long enough, then the evidence that has been found up to now is certainly not can meet all our expectations.

Thanks to the diligent and skilled foreign experts, especially from the Dutch and Indonesian sons of the development of prehistoric times in Bali is getting brighter. Attention to Bali kekunaan first given by a naturalist Georg Eberhard Rumpf named, in 1705, published in his book Amboinsche Reteitkamer. As a pioneer in archaeological research in Bali is WOJ Nieuwenkamp who visited Bali in 1906 as a painter. He held a journey through Bali and give some notes about nekara Pejeng among others, Trunyan, and Temple Hill Writing. Attention to this Pejeng nekara followed by KC Crucq 1932 that managed to find a three-part mold nekara Manuaba Pejeng in Pura village, Tegallantang.

Prehistoric research was continued by Dr. Bali. H.A.R. van Heekeren the article titled Sarcopagus results on Bali in 1954. prehistoric In 1963 the son of Indonesian experts Drs. R.P. Soejono excavation was carried out in a sustainable manner, namely 1973, 1974, 1984, 1985. Based on the results of research that has been done on finding objects that originate from the edge of the Gulf coast Gilimanuk suspected that the location site is a fishing village from time perundagian in Bali. In this place now stands a museum.

Based on the evidence that has been found up to now in Bali, Balinese people's life or prehistoric inhabitants of Bali can be divided into:

  1.  Period hunting and gathering food simple
  2. Period hunt and gather food advanced
  3. Period farming
  4. Period perundagian

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